There are many different types of shampoos available to choose from. The two general categories are medicated and non-medicated. The medicated types contain special ingredients suited for a specific job or skin condition while the non-medicated are for general cleaning purposes. The human shampoos are usually not recommended because they are not pH balanced for pets.
Medicated shampoos are best used after a diagnosis is made by your veterinarian. In most cases the medicated shampoos work best if they are allowed to let soak into the skin for a period of time before they are rinsed off. In some cases two different types of shampoos may be needed to improve the skin condition. Depending on whether or not the condition being treated is curable or can only be managed the interval between shampoos will vary. It may be appropriate to treat only certain areas instead of the entire body.
Non-medicated shampoos often contain extras such as skin conditioners and fragrance. Some of these may also vary in the amount of detergent that is present. If the shampoo is to be used around the eyes then a protectant may be needed to avoid chemical irritation. You may also want to put some cotton in the ear canals to avoid getting moisture down inside, just remember to remove the cotton afterwards. As is the case with all types of shampoos thorough rinsing is necessary to remove any residue. In general shampooing your pet should not exceed weekly application and sometimes even monthly use.
Drying your pet can be difficult depending on the length and thickness of the haircoat, size of the pet and co-operation. Most pets will shake off some of the water, however, a towel can be used to remove the remaining external moisture. The undersides often dry slowly and may need special attention such as with a hair dryer. If the scalp is not allowed to dry thoroughly you may risk developing an eczema due to bacterial growth.